I have started reading Penrose's book the Emperor's new mind and came across these interesting theorems in the preface about Godel's and Goodstein's theorem. Here I briefly mention the two following the treatment from the book:
Suppose that we are given a computational procedure P for establishing mathematical assertions of a particularly well defined type such as the Fermat's last theorem. Then if we are prepared to accept the successful derivation of some assertion by use of rules of P provides us with an unassailable demonstration of the truth of that assertion- then we must also accept as unassailably true some other assertion G(P) which is beyond the scope of the rules of P.
Goodstein's theorem:
Consider any positive number, let us say 3. First, we express this as a sum of distinct powers of 2:
3 = 2^1 + 1.
We now apply a succession of simple operations to this expression, these alternating between:
- increasing the 'base' by 1.
- subtract 1.
The reader is encouraged to verify this by taking some number. An example starting with 3 can be seen here: click
What is rather more extraordinary is that Goodstein's theroem is actually a Godel theorem for the procedure of mathematical induction. Recall that mathematical induction provides a way of proving that some mathematical statement S(n) holds for all n = 1,2,3 ... The procedure is to show that if it holds for n =1, then it also holds for n+1. If P stands for the procedure of mathematical induction, then we take G(P) to be Goodstein's theorem.
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